Saturday, August 28, 2021

8/5/21 Pentagon Weighs Requiring Vaccination for Military Personnel

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is leaning toward making Covid vaccination mandatory for all active-duty troops, according to several sources. Reportedly, he'll make his decision and announce it this Friday.

Active duty troops include lots of right-wing thinkers who are bound to dislike the mandate whether they're Trump fans or not. What's more, since the vaccinations have all been approved only on an emergency basis, the President will have to sign off on the decision to make it legal.

"There's nothing political about it," Biden said. He has recently announced a requirement that all federal employees and contractors on federal projects be vaccinated. Corporations, universities, and local governments are increasingly requiring vaccination for their employees and students as well. While 64% of the military are vaccinated, that's not enough to keep the virus from spreading.

While Pfizer's vaccine is said to be close to full FDA approval, likely by the end of next month, the Delta variation has become so prevalent among unvaccinated people that Defense Secretary Austin doesn't have time to wait another four weeks to get started. The risk of illness is too high to take chances.


How do you think military members will react to the vaccine mandate? Will most of the soldiers and their families go along with it? Or will there be resignations? Will there be a fight over whether it's constitutional to demand vaccinations? Will there be demonstrations outside military bases?

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