It's called "constitutional carry" by its advocates and idiocy by everyone else, but the Texas bill allows you, me, and Homer Simpson to buy guns without paying $40 for a permit OR getting any training whatsoever in how to use them. Training should be voluntary, according to the gun rights people.
Friday, June 18, 2021
6/18/21 Texas to Allow People to Own and Carry Guns without Permit or Training
6/17/21 Texas Nixes Teaching Bad Things About White History
Texas has a well-earned reputation for a certain spin in its history textbooks -- a boosterish, hero-worshipping, white-centered picture that promotes a politically conservative point of view.
6/18/21 Rep. Clyde Meets a 1/6 Defender in a Capitol Elevator
Congress has awarded its Congressional Gold Medal to those who defended the Capitol on January 6. There will be three group medals, one for the Capitol police, one for the District of Columbia police, and one for other groups who played a part in the Capitol's defense.
6/18/21 "Curses! Foiled Again!" Says GOP, as SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare for the Third Time
The enemies of the Affordable Care Act -- that legislation that provides access to health insurance to all U.S. citizens and legal resident -- have once again lost a legal battle in the Supreme Court. This time, the Court dismissed the carefully groomed case because the plaintiffs had no skin in the game.
6/17/21 Notorious Baker Fined $500 for Refusing to Make Gender-Transition Cake
On Wednesday, Denver District Court Judge Bruce Jones added another layer to the saga of cake discrimination by Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker. The judge ordered his bakery to pay $500 in restitution to Autumn Scardina, a would-be customer, for violating Colorado's anti-discrimination laws; Phillips refused to bake Scardina a pink-with-blue-icing gender-transition celebration cake.
6/15/21: Texas's Grid Is About to Go Up in Smoke -- Again!
Texas Governor Gregg Abbott saw fit last week to declare the Texas power grid "fixed."
6/16/21 Juneteenth is Finally Becoming a Federal Holiday!
Two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, the news, traveling slowly, finally reached the island of Galveston in southern Texas. On that day, June 19th, 1865, Union Major-General Gordon Granger read General Order No. 3 there in public:
6/16/21 Election-Fraud Pressure Continued in DOJ After Barr Resigned
6/15/21 DOJ & the Subpoenas of Reporter’s Records: How Did an Eminent Law Professor Become a Stooge for Trump?
You’re probably aware that Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) subpoenaed records from Congresspeople and reporters. (They said they were looking for a leak, but “perhaps” they were spying on their rivals.) The story is growing & looking worse every day.
6/12/21 Teen Who Filmed George Floyd's Death Wins a Pulitzer
It takes a steady hand and a sturdy backbone to do what Darnella Frazier did the day George Floyd was murdered. Standing directly in front of Derek Chauvin while he knelt on George Floyd's neck, Frazier kept recording video while Chauvin shouted for her to stop.
6/14/21 No Jab, No Job. Judge Dismisses Houston Nurses' Vaccination Lawsuit
There's this thing called groupthink, see, where you and your friends get uber-sympatico and don't need or want outside opinions.
6/14/21 Delta Deals With Three Violent Passengers in Two Weeks
Delta has had its share of in-flight spats recently. First there was the ticked-off passenger who slugged a flight attendant, costing her two teeth. Then there was some knucklehead who wanted into the cockpit, possibly because he thought they had better coffee.
6/14/21 50 Years After the Pentagon Papers, the Press Faces A Different Threat
It was June 13, 1971 when the New York Times published the Pentagon Papers, an avalanche of secret government documents about the Vietnam War. It blew the lid off the stories that the federal government was telling about their reason for pursuing the war.
6/9/21 White House Gives Up on Infrastructure Talks with Senator Capito
6/11/21 Good News! The Keystone Pipeline's Dead
Joe Biden got to work the very day he was inaugurated, and one of his first actions was to cancel the permit allowing construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
6/11/21 FDA Advisor Resigns Over Alzheimer's Drug Approval
A Mayo Clinic neurologist resigned from the FDA's Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee yesterday after the FDA approved an Alzheimer's drug over the panel's recommendation.
6/8/21 Manchin Chooses Bipartisanship Over Voting Rights
Partisanship is bad. Bipartisanship is good. But is that a good enough reason to deep-six the "For the People" Voting Rights Bill?"
6/9/21 How the Wealthiest Americans Pay Next to Nothing in Taxes -- Legally
Everyone "knows" that the wealthy pay proportionately less in taxes than middle-income American workers. Now, an investigative reporting site called is detailing how they do it.
8/28/21 Once Again, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is a COVID19 Super-Spreader
In 2020, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was linked to 649 COVID19 cases in 29 states, a CDC study said. In 2021, the rally did much the same t...

The conservative majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court are literally trying to stop democracy in the cheesehead state. They're threate...
Sure, a meteor could hit the earth. A lightning bolt could hit the White House. But in the coming national election, we're more likely...
How d'ya like this? DC protesters back in June almost got the "heat ray" treatment that Kirsten Nielsen refused to use on woul...