Two women -- one who tested positive for marijuana and one who was banned for skipping a drug test shortly after an abortion -- have been barred from competing at the Tokyo Olympic games next month. A third, hammer thrower Gwendolyn Berry, caught plenty of flak for showing her distaste for the national anthem.
Monday, July 5, 2021
7/3/21 Two Female Athletes of Color are Barred from the Olympics; Another is Castigated for Dissing the Flag
7/4/21 Reps from 130 Nations Say Yes to a Global Tax Rate!
The long tax holiday that U.S. corporations enjoy when they move overseas just may come to an end. That's the latest news from the G20 summit, which hit a high point on Thursday with all of the 20 -- including China and France -- giving thumbs up to the deal. Their finance members are supposed to approve the agreement on July 9.
7/2/21 Conservative SCOTUS Justices Okay Arizona's New Voting Laws, Angering Liberals
In an ideological split of 6 to 3, the Supreme Court today granted the blazing-red, conservative state of Arizona the okay it sought to build inconvenience into the voting process for people of color. Maybe Arizona isn't actually admitting its goal in making the state's voting laws more restrictive today than they were in 2020, but that is the effect.
7/3/21 An Exxon Lobbyist Spills the Beans -- to Greenpeace!
Did it ever cross your mind that Exxon might be telling a fib or two when it claims it's deeply concerned about climate change? Well, it's true.
7/3/21 Florida Man: Surfside's Former Chief Inspector Has a Shaky Foundation
The guy who was only recently the top building official in Surfside City is now under a microscope. Three years ago, he told the owners of the collapsed condo building that it seemed to be “in very good shape.” It was in November of the 2018, the same year a building consultant raised the alarm about its structural integrity. The following year, the entire Surfside building inspection department was put under administrative review.
7/2/21 Liz Cheney Joins Pelosi's House Select Committee Investigating Jan. 6
When only two (2) (count 'em!) House Republicans are prepared to back an investigation into an insurrection attempt ...
7/1/21 An Oath Keeper Agrees to Testify Against Fellow Insurrection Plotters
There are oaths, and oaths. Mark Grods, an Alabaman of 54, who helped organize the insurrection attempt on January 6, has agreed in a plea deal to testifying against his fellow plotters. That makes him the second witness of a kind the Justice Department particularly values -- a witness with first-hand knowledge of the conspiracy behind the events of that day.
7/1/21 House Select Committee Will Investigate January 6 Events -- Over Republican Objections
“I think for some on the other side, nothing that gets to the truth will ever be good enough, because they do not want the truth,” said Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern today as the House voted to create a Select Committee to investigate the insurrection attempt at the Capitol on January 6 of this year.
7/1/21 SCOTUS Hands Power to Condemn State and Private Land to a Pipeline Builder
Those of us who've been in a state of relative bliss since Biden cancelled the Dakota Access Pipeline -- that is, all of us -- got a rude awakening today thanks to a stunning decision by SCOTUS to allow a private pipeline builder to use eminent domain to condemn land on behalf of the state.
"I have Rape-colored Skin" by Caroline Randall Williams
Another Facebook post that is too perfect to be confined to a single platform. It's being shared freely, and it appears that Ms. Williams wants it to be shared. I'll take it down if I learn otherwise.
A Day in the Life of Sue, by Kay Dee/Occupy Democrats
A "sharable" post from Facebook that's too good for a single platform.
"A day in the life of Sue the Trump supporter…
8/28/21 Once Again, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is a COVID19 Super-Spreader
In 2020, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was linked to 649 COVID19 cases in 29 states, a CDC study said. In 2021, the rally did much the same t...

The conservative majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court are literally trying to stop democracy in the cheesehead state. They're threate...
Sure, a meteor could hit the earth. A lightning bolt could hit the White House. But in the coming national election, we're more likely...
How d'ya like this? DC protesters back in June almost got the "heat ray" treatment that Kirsten Nielsen refused to use on woul...