QAnon's goofy theories are laughable to most of us, but the online conspiracy group got deadly serious this week for two children, age 10 months and two years.
Mathew Taylor Coleman of Santa Barbara, who founded and runs a surf school, was deep into QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories. He had picked up the idea that his wife had "serpent DNA" that she had passed along to the children.
On Saturday, he drove the children across the U.S. border to Rosarita, Mexico, and there, on Sunday, used a spearfishing gun to kill them both.
He made next to no effort to hide the bodies, putting them in a ditch and covering them with brush before driving back across the border. When he was stopped, he provided car registration papers with visible traces of blood.
In an interview, he said he was having visions and believed that killing his children "was the only course of action that would save the world," he told investigators.
Mental illness? Maybe. Addicted to conspiracies? Sure. But there's another prospect: That QAnon is, plain and simple, evil.
Illustration: "QAnon - Q Conspiracy - Deep State Trump" by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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