Friday, August 27, 2021

7/26/21 Jim Banks (R-Ind.) Seizes the Moment, Blames Pelosi for 1/6, and Fades Back into the Woodwork

Having been rejected for the Select Committee investigating 1/6, Jim Banks, otherwise known as Jim Who? has been taking a turn on the world stage.
Banks is in his second term. He's chair of the Republican Study Committee and a member of the House committees on Armed Services, Veterans’ Affairs, and Education and Labor. He's the top Republican on the subcommittee for cyber tech, co-chairs the Future of Defense Task Force, and sits on the Naval Academy’s Board of Visitors.
That is, nobody's ever heard of him except for Trump fans. Banks has been an outspoken and steadfast supporter of the delusional ex-President. Pelosi also barred Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), but Jordan gets a lot more press.
Banks does know an opportunity when he sees it. Two days after the Pelosi heave-ho, Banks turned to doing what the GOP seems to do best nowadays: He spun a tale from the alt-right's gossamer yarn. “We said all along that this was a purely partisan exercise by the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi’s rejection of me and Jim Jordan shows once again she is the most partisan figure in America today . . . The American people deserve the truth. Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi is afraid of the facts.”
He seems to think that the whole thing was Pelosi's fault. "Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol Police than anyone else in the United States Capitol," Banks said during an appearance yesterday on "Fox News Sunday."
He went on, "at the end of the day, she is ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the capitol that happened on Jan. 6."
We can't wait until we see some of these right-wing gossamer weavers exposed as less than truthful. It'd be like something out of the fairy tale about the emperor's new clothes. Except, of course, we'd love to see the would-be emperor himself in an orange jumpsuit and behind bars.

A girl can dream.

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