Saturday, July 24, 2021

7/6/2021 Actor versus Abbot? The Race for TX Governor Could Be Pretty Lively

So if Ted Cruz doesn't like him, could a Hollywood star be all that bad? Matthew McConnaughey, who won an Oscar for his role in The Dallas Buyer's Club and was further defined by People Magazine's accolade "Sexiest Man Alive," has a fighting chance to beat Gregg Abbott -- if he runs.

The Big McC floated the idea in March. In April, a poll showed 58 percent of Texas Democrats and 22 percent of Texas Republicans prepared to back him. More recent polling showed Abbott with the support of 39 percent of all Texans, but McC was just ONE percentage point behind. You get the drift. McConnaughey is not only neck and neck with Abbott, but he's prettier too.
McConnaughey hasn't voted in a primary since 2012, and he has never donated money to a political campaign. If he stands a chance against Abbott, though, no Democrat in Texas cares.
The actor has no party affiliation. The newspaper in Longview, TX, where he grew up, quotes him thus: "I think, going in, to think Democrat or Republican or one of the other, is small thinking now and even becoming unconstitutional because you’re supposed to serve the American people or the people of your state," McConaughey said. He once spoke favorably about having an "aggressively centric" political mindset. He has also said he comes from a long line of law-breaking libertarians. We can only conclude that he knows how to cultivate an aura of mystery.
However: McConaughey was photographed posing with O'Rourke when O'Rourke was running for U.S. Senate in 2018. At a March for Your Lives rally that year, he called for banning assault weapons for civilians, restricting high-capacity magazines and strengthening background checks. "Those are the three main stipulations," McConaughey said, "and to those three, I can say — if you can say it with me — all right, all right, all right."
This year, in a July 4th video, he said that the US is in puberty according to the historical timelines of other countries. It was an odd message, but then the oldest of his three children (two boys and a girl) is ju-u-u-st about 13.

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