Saturday, July 24, 2021

7/19/21 Former JCOS Gives Two Enthusiastic Thumbs Up for Milley

"Very accurate and obviously incredibly disturbing, literally in every respect," is how former Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCOS) chair Admiral Mike Mullen, speaking on "Face the Nation" yesterday, described the account of White House turbulence after the 2020 election.

Mullen was talking about recent revelations that current JCOS chair Mark Milley had pushed back on Trump's -- and Trump's advisors' -- talk about using dangerous measures to try to keep Trump in office after he lost the election. Milley has said that as he listened to Trump touting election fraud allegations, he'd compared the former president's rhetoric to Adolf Hitler's and had "a stomach-churning" feeling.
Milley took political countermeasures to combat talk of using the military on American streets to enforce the "Big Lie" of a stolen election, and how they'd also considered using warlike military moves against Iran. According to the account (we wrote about it yesterday), Milley turned to having frequent phone calls, almost daily, with people who might be called upon by Trump's enablers and Trump himself.
"General Milley, I thought, really did the right thing on both fronts, quite frankly," said Admiral Mullen. "I don't think he was alone with respect to Iran. But I think on the internal potential for a coup, really, really stood up, did the right thing, and I think made the case that he was the right officer to have in the right job at the right time in a very, very difficult, stunning and unprecedented situation."

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