Thursday, September 17, 2020

9/5: Trump's Got a Strategy -- But Does it Make Sense?

9/5/2020 It's clear to all by now that one of Donald Trump's strategies to steal the 2020 elections include delegitimizing voting by mail.

Like a false prophet, Trump has determinedly claimed that fraud is rampant in mail-in voting (a notion Trump pulled out the clear blue sky), and had his friend Louis DeJoy light into the US Post Office deliberately to cripple the post offices' ability to deliver mail-in ballots on time.
The idea, apparently, is for Trump to ignore uncounted votes and declare himself victor before the count is completed.
The White House seems to be thwarting every attempt to help officials count mail-in ballots faster. Michigan, a swing state, had a bill winding through the state legislature that would have allowed election officials to at least take mail-in ballots out of their envelopes before election day to speed up counting.
In May, Trump tweeted: “There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.” In response, state Republican lawmakers got tough, and the bill screeched to a halt.
In two other swing states, Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania, Republican lawmakers are blocking any and all bills that might, like removing ballots from their envelopes, speed up the count of mail-in votes on Election Day.
Here's the thing, though: Polls have indicated that twice as many Democrats as Republicans will vote by mail, but polls are nothing to lean on.
Indeed, elderly voters are historically more apt to be Republicans than Democrats, and the elderly have greater reason to avoid the poll than younger voters.
Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, has been trying to get that message across to POTUS.
"I tried to show him ... you know who is most afraid of COVID? Seniors. And if they're not going to go vote, period, we're screwed," McCarthy told an Axios reporter, according to an article in the Huffington Post.
McCarthy says he spent hours warning the president that his stance on mail-in voting may hurt him and other Republicans running for office.“We could lose based on that," McCarthy told Axios.

Do you think that Democrats are going to stick with mail-in voting -- if they ever planned to? Are you going to go to the polls or use a mail-in ballot? How can the US Postal Service prevail over DeJoy's efforts and deliver the ballots to election officials on time?

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